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problem error with guestbook 1 bl4ckman 11353 23/04/2004 11:14:29
Jam'n [Latest Reply]
Netobjects Fusion - Inline (Advanced) Poll 0 murphy 10621 11/04/2004 21:36:01
murphy [Latest Reply]
Guest Books Is Awesome 3 Trauma 15114 03/04/2004 02:26:37
Smuv [Latest Reply]
Access Stats PHP 0 sngalla 11280 26/03/2004 15:06:43
sngalla [Latest Reply]
Advanced Poll 2.0.2 vs 2.0.3 0 Pan 10930 23/03/2004 06:50:57
Pan [Latest Reply]
Thanks for a great guestbook 0 mrluvmasterman 10327 17/03/2004 02:08:45
mrluvmasterman [Latest Reply]
Edit and/or add Field names at adentry.php 4 ricknlida 16438 15/03/2004 12:48:47
ricknlida [Latest Reply]
new to everything ( guestbook and MYSQL ) need help. 2 Tom4us 14029 10/03/2004 13:45:59
Tom4us [Latest Reply]
limit comment entries 0 rolando 10966 03/03/2004 23:50:45
rolando [Latest Reply]
Advanced Poll v1.61 eliminate the system of login. 0 Ironico 10509 03/03/2004 12:40:48
Ironico [Latest Reply]
Advanced Guestbook.. 4 sparkle 18839 03/03/2004 02:18:19
Donnie [Latest Reply]
Support for other selection methods 0 tekenen 10642 27/02/2004 21:20:53
tekenen [Latest Reply]
Where to find "php.ini" ? 1 Loma-Frank 12517 27/02/2004 21:17:44
tekenen [Latest Reply]
Looking for a script 2 Irakli 13515 23/02/2004 02:16:47
Irakli [Latest Reply]
PHP news anyone? 1 hax8or 13347 17/02/2004 19:37:09
Trauma [Latest Reply]
Great Scripts 1 andrew20 12345 17/02/2004 17:00:24
Trauma [Latest Reply]
guestbook boom 1 kart27 12045 17/02/2004 16:54:52
Trauma [Latest Reply]
ADVANCED POLL 1 SharePro 11804 11/02/2004 05:38:10
N7TX [Latest Reply]
Please help me installing counter!!! 0 Michael44 10225 08/02/2004 18:53:57
Michael44 [Latest Reply]
NEED A FORUM 3 ALBO-G 15243 05/02/2004 20:23:31
Jam'n [Latest Reply]
Just added my php Forum..have a look ! 2 matrix_newlife 13750 19/01/2004 01:50:05
matrix_newlife [Latest Reply]
information a bout arabic forum in PHP 4 matrix_newlife 16894 17/01/2004 00:24:54
matrix_newlife [Latest Reply]
permission 1 kart27 11802 08/01/2004 16:38:06
Caron [Latest Reply]
chomd help 6 kart27 17948 06/01/2004 23:22:08
kart27 [Latest Reply]
Guestbook Background Colour Change 2 thunaer 15184 31/12/2003 02:39:04
.: JAY :. [Latest Reply]
e-mail notification problem 2 jcingermany 15837 31/12/2003 02:37:11
.: JAY :. [Latest Reply]
Como puedo ponerlo al espaƱol 1 DeBoUrD 14304 16/12/2003 18:46:21
Jam'n [Latest Reply]
Password protect the guestbook 7 orang 26447 02/12/2003 15:35:08
asunsun [Latest Reply]
Preview entries before allow them to be public 0 souhil 10700 24/10/2003 22:24:52
souhil [Latest Reply]
Where is the administrator?? 2 miro 14317 22/10/2003 23:55:55
Auron [Latest Reply]
Thank you for stopping by my site.... string, where is it?? 1 JamesKB 16058 21/10/2003 05:01:04
JamesKB [Latest Reply]
Defeat the spammers 7 terreus 23140 07/10/2003 18:30:14
Jadey [Latest Reply]
Probleme !!!! 3 pierre 14270 05/10/2003 14:14:50
Auron [Latest Reply]
Problems A. Guestbook v2.3.1:Warning: Cannot modify... 6 twin 19053 01/10/2003 12:46:19
nemovn2003 [Latest Reply]
What i would like to see 0 hank schillinger 10901 28/09/2003 03:49:33
hank schillinger [Latest Reply]
need help 0 abirached 10307 26/09/2003 11:05:40
abirached [Latest Reply]
How Can I IP Ban if all it gives me is the Host info? 0 ACEC 10732 23/09/2003 23:16:12
ACEC [Latest Reply]
Advantage pool -,,you allready have voted'' 0 the_curse 10722 19/09/2003 20:09:40
the_curse [Latest Reply]
phplinks 3 j/k 16328 01/09/2003 17:04:34
egeurts [Latest Reply]
Anyone! 1 sparkle 13100 28/08/2003 17:44:07
trapapoodle [Latest Reply]
Adv Guestbook: The dash after the location field 2 CRA 14953 28/08/2003 06:10:56
CRA [Latest Reply]
this seems like a no brainer to me 0 trapapoodle 10790 28/08/2003 04:43:17
trapapoodle [Latest Reply]
installation og advance guestbook. 5 aaronski2003 16728 27/08/2003 11:50:20
egeurts [Latest Reply]
Pharmaceuticals 1 PharmacyGirl 11560 21/08/2003 19:38:15
Auron [Latest Reply]
Great guestbook 4 Guest 17580 21/08/2003 07:07:00
egeurts [Latest Reply]
Guestbook v.1.5 0 DiZpNoY831 11182 21/08/2003 02:33:35
DiZpNoY831 [Latest Reply]
Questions for Advanced Guestbook 0 wildblue 11294 14/08/2003 17:44:23
wildblue [Latest Reply]
how to backup and reload in guestbook 3 aircool5 18219 13/08/2003 07:15:37
.: JAY :. [Latest Reply]
just a quick question 0 j4ymf 11472 13/08/2003 02:47:32
j4ymf [Latest Reply]
Poll - embed URLs in questions/answers? 1 jeepish 12188 12/08/2003 17:38:39
Auron [Latest Reply]
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