You'll have to use phpMyAdmin (or something that your web host might provide for you) to take a look inside of MySQL.
All of the entry stuff would be in a table called "book_data".
Looking at that table you can see how the data is formated so you enter your own. I would not recomend you doing this if you are a beginner.
xxervio wrote:was wondering if anyone was good at making a basic template for the advanced guestbook. i just want a simple black background, red text and borders or if there is a template out that is some what like that.
You can do that in the control panel.
Check out my guestbook http//
Go to /templates directory and open header.php
Find a place where you want your link to apear and put this in :
<a href="">Text_that_you _want_to_appear_as_a_link_here</a>
Hope that helps, lemme know if you need more help
Make that body.php instead of header.php
The easiest way to do this would be with iFrames.
You could embed the PHP code but that could be somewhat troublesome if you dont know what are you doing I use Iframes on all my sites with this guestbook and it works fine.
Drawback to this is that older browsers (ver 4 and below) will not "see" these frames Let me know if you need more help.
Here's how :
Go to /templates folder and open body.php.
Somewhere on the top will be the top navigation with the text you want to remove. I think that the one you want to delete is :
but be carefull 'cause i'm not 100% sure.
I hope that helped.