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Messages posted by: Anonymous
Forum Index » Profile for Anonymous » Messages posted by Anonymous
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Okay I get a bunch of errors

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /backup/gilbertm/public_html/gilbertmguestbook/lang/english.php:104) in /backup/gilbertm/public_html/gilbertmguestbook/lib/admin.class.php on line 33

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /backup/gilbertm/public_html/gilbertmguestbook/lang/english.php:104) in /backup/gilbertm/public_html/gilbertmguestbook/lib/admin.class.php on line 34

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /backup/gilbertm/public_html/gilbertmguestbook/lang/english.php:104) in /backup/gilbertm/public_html/gilbertmguestbook/lib/admin.class.php on line 35

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /backup/gilbertm/public_html/gilbertmguestbook/lang/english.php:104) in /backup/gilbertm/public_html/gilbertmguestbook/lib/admin.class.php on line 36

When I try to add an entry I also get this.

Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting T_OLD_FUNCTION or T_FUNCTION or T_VAR or '}' in /backup/gilbertm/public_html/gilbertmguestbook/lib/add.class.php on line 19

I'm still not any wiser on how to get back my admin stuff...

Besides I first read through the Forum here, finding a post with 4 things to change in the PHP file to prevent spam in version 2.2. This I did. 2 minutes later the next spam arrived. 2 hours later I had 5 more spam posts. Then I upgraded to 2.3, hoping that this would help. But, alas, it seems the spam persists and now I don't have any chance to get in again.

Can you be more precise on what I could do now, Carbonize?

You know, I have quite a bit of entries in the guestbook including pictures, so I wouldn't want to get them all removed if I'd execute the 2.2 to 2.3.x Database Upgrade Script. All I wanted to do is to get rid of the spam, and I get spam posts every half an hour or so in the meantime. That's why I tried to upgrade from 2.2 to 2.3. However, now I cannot access the administration anymore - though when I log in with my password, I get no errors. But clicking on the admin functions throws me out. So I'm pretty helpless at the moment, especially because the spam continues unceasingly and I cannot even delete it anymore.

All I'd need is a way to access the admin area once more - would the Password and Username Reset Script help at all? Because my password IS recognized, otherwise I wouldn't get to the first admin screen, or?
I have the same problem I fear... I updated my guestbook from 2.2 to 2.3 as I'm covered with spam. I got exactly the same messages as described above. When I want to enter the Admin area I get as far as the main Admin screen, then when clicking on anything at the menu, I get asked again to enter my password. With other words: I can't do a thing now anymore. Spam continues and I have lost control over my guestbook.

I changed the lib/session.class.php thing to 2.3.2 manually, but this didn't really help neither.
I've changed the 2 hours, into 336 (2 weeks ),

Thank you!
you say the host needs GD?

what is that?

I've installed the advanced poll 2.03, and it works just fine! But people can revote (vote a second time) after 1 day, or something like that.

(Where) can I change the preferences, so that people just can vote 1 time?

greets, scoobydooh

ps. My English is not so good, because I'm from Holland.
Thanks for that Carbonize, quick response!!

Any idea why the image verification is not in this new version, also is this a 100% working method to get rid of the spamming issues?

Thanks again
I there,

I currently have 2.3.1 on my site, however I have just downloaded 2.3.2, and made the change to the config.inc.php file, to upgrade, can I just overwrite my guestbook folder on my site, will I lose my messages/entries?

I cant seem to figure out where these messages are held, just incase i want to back them up?

Any hlp would be great?

Auron wrote:Change page extension to .php

I wanted to ask about this. What if I wanted a poll on my main page? Does that mean that this page would have to be a php page?
If you can figure out the right directory path then this link might help you.


Change usr to 'public_html' and change you to 'your website address'

It took me a day but I figured it out.
Im sure, that i had changed the files. I just uploaded my backup files for the guestbook... It still says after the update: You can't acces to the file directly...
OK. i changed the files from 2.3 to 2.3.2 and run your upgrade script... this error has been showed:

Correct password supplied. Beginning update.
Creating storage space to backup last_visit.............Done
Copying last_visit to storage space.....................Done
Deleting last_visit.....................................Done
Creating new last_visit entry and copying saved data....Done
Adding thumbnail settings to config table...............Error!
Creating pics table.....................................Error!
Update complete. Please delete this file


Hey there i have everything working fine

the poll shows
i have a template working

the only problem i have is when people vote and hit the button the
get to a white blank page which says: Poll ID does not exist.

I have included the poll with this
<?php include('http://www.swaynightlife.com/polls/poll_ssi.php?poll_id=4&tpl_set=swaynightlife'); ?>

my page is php as i run some other scripts in there
and i have this on the top of the page before the html

<?php include('polls/poll_cookie.php'); ?>

so i dont know anymore, would be nice if anyone has some suggestions or any ideas, this script is great.

thanks in advance
I was silly not to have a proper look in the file... sorry

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