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Messages posted by: Anonymous
Forum Index » Profile for Anonymous » Messages posted by Anonymous
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CGI are counting...
Top downloads are showing...
Admin is running...

But counter is not showing in .SHTML!!! I canĀ“t see the number of downloads of a certain file.

Please help!

QUick question.... I noticed that the maximum length of the email in the entry form is 30 characters. Any way to increase that?


christoph@indiantrailrealtor.com (which is 32 characters long
Do you have a answer for this problem with the admin logon?

I have Advanced Guestbook 2.2-pl1.

The pwd tool was ok. Now i can log me in, but after one klick i'm back to the admin panel...


I have download Advanced Guestbook 2.3.1 and I have seen some PHP scripts:admin.php, install.php, config.inc, addentry.php, gb.class-could you please send me some more detail info about basic functions of these commands. I'll need this information for my scholl work. Thanks to all.
I just install advanced guest book from my cpanel. Guestbook is working fine but default login (test) and default password (123) dont work. So i cannot change password or do any modificatios on guestbooks administration centre. Version is 2.3.1

Has anybody else this kind of problem?

How do you template the poll? I have added the html but it doesn't do anything
Hi, ok I've read over this and I bunch went through a bunch of pages to hopefully be able to find my answer to this but I havent been able to find it.

ok, I downloaded the zip file for the pngcounter and then uploaded that to 2 of my host, one is payed and the other is free, I extracted all the files and the files had permissions set to 600 for everything so heres the files I changed to 644


I changed pages to 777, digits to 755, and docs to 755

and then within the pages I changed count.txt to 666

within the digits page, I change the folder permissions to 755 for a and aseg and changed the permissions to the pictures in those folders to 644.

now... once I changed all of them, I went to the demo.php pages and whenever I would try out a different counter (the counters I allowed permission to) it would say counter as the alternate text, but the digits wouldnt appear.. I think it could do with all the permission changing but I at least had to do that so I could open up the pages in both of my servers.

you can see the demo.php page here

any help with getting this working would be really appricated, I dont know much about setting up a mysql database/table, but I have phpmyadmin and if someone could help me with that it would be really cool too.. I would just like to get these working .. please
I've read this, but doesn't work

I use DB version. Tryed to delete the database table poll_user and to recover it with other hash, but doesn't work

Tell me how to become this:

* of course i changed my hash
No one else has any possible suggestions?
I have an idea for the poll, question is towards the resident geniuses here who know the inner workings of it. What would it take, and is it possible to incorporate an email response to the poll? Meaning, the poll vote does not register unless the person clicks a link that is automatically sent to them when they vote. This way may help a little more over the cookie precaution over multiple votes, and definitely over the useless IP check. Can this happen, is anyone willing to take this on, or has anyone seen such a script?
Sorry, just found other messages to say it can't be done.

Is there a hack or add-on available to allow Admin to approve or deny messages before they are added to the Guest Book?


try this:

Thx i'm using 2.3.2
And i'm really happy with it.
I put the passwordlock on thew geustbook.
But now i have the following problem.
I have put in the password lock the right password and username.
but when i want to login thru the password box, it keeps hanging in a loop.
When i remove the passwordlock.php and adjust admin.php then i can just login normal with the password i have appleid.

How can i solve this
Forum Index » Profile for Anonymous » Messages posted by Anonymous
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