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Messages posted by: Carbonize
Forum Index » Profile for Carbonize » Messages posted by Carbonize
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To upgrade simply download the new version from this site and overwrite your old version, remembering to keep edit the config.inc.php file. You then either need to manually add the new tables or try my upgrade script www.carbonize.co.uk/install.zip .
Ah right got you now. Thought you were just on about the guestbook. Without knowing which forum script you are using or the location of the admin page I can't be of much use.
Do you mean when you goto the admin.php page or once you have logged in?
Sorry but I don't speak german and the following is done via a translator.

Offen auf templates/header.php.


Fügen Sie hinzu

Wo image.jpg ist das Bildnis, das Sie benutzen wollen.

Could you provide us with a link please.
Ok thats weird you're the third person who's been hacked and for whom the known exploit doesn't work.

Anyway in phpMyAdmin click on book_data in left hand pane.
Click Browse in right hand pane.
Click the button marked >> to jump to last entries then look for the one with the name Mike Speed & Janey Jane and delete it.
Ignore number 5 in the list. The reason it wasn't making thumbnails is that I forgot to tell it to in the settings
For some reason it thinks an image has been added to the post but when it cannot find the image it returns the error. I cannot see any error in the HTML of the addentry.php page. Have you editted the add.class.php file in any way? Try reuploading the add.class.php.

Also did you download the script from here or did your hosts provide it?
Did you upload an image with your test post? From the look of it the script thinks you have but the image has no name. Can you supply a link to the guestbook ?
Firefox is the latest browser from Mozilla. Netscape used the Gecko engine that Mozilla makes. Netscape uses a very very old version of the gecko engine though while Firefox has the shiny new version. I'm wondering if the problem isn't with the browsers caching the pages.

Opera used to be good but these days it's getting pathetic. Firefox is the browser of the future and if Microsoft had any sense they would give up on IE and just include Firefox and Thunderbird in the next windows.

Doesn't really help with the problem though. Wonder if using the pragma nocache meta tag would help

You are meant to put the path in the "'s
I keep threatening to update the Advanced Guestbook script and as motivation I thought I would see what people would like to see added to 2.3.1.

So far I intend to
1 - Update it from using $HTTP_XXX_VARS to the newer $_XXX code.
2 - Add the MSN and Yahoo ID fields
3 - Add the image verification (it will always be on)
4 - Add the email encrypting.
5 - Fix the thumbnail creation routine.
6 - Minor bug fixes.

So what else would you like to see?
Did you alter the permissions on the tmp and public folders?
Hope you changed the password to something different than last time.
Whoops I boobooded and missed off the closing )'s from the str_replace functions. Fixed now
Forum Index » Profile for Carbonize » Messages posted by Carbonize
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