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Messages posted by: Carbonize
Forum Index » Profile for Carbonize » Messages posted by Carbonize
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I'm guessing the backup is a file which you then use to insert the data back into the tables. You could delete the entry from the file before restoring it.
You can reset the password by editing the SQL data. If your host provides you with phpMyAdmin then simply login and change the username and password entries. Change the username to anything you want and put 773359240eb9a1d9 as the password, this will make the password 123.
Works fine for me.
Try body.php as 666 instead. This will leave it open to being edited via the admin section if you get hacked but thats the price you pay.
Ryan wrote:hey, thanks alot
its all working nicely now - i did a search and used Kerry's/badboo's
way to fix it! (to do with changing LAST_VISIT to last_visit etc etc

thanks again for your time

Thats the first thing my install script does.
Check the SQL settiings in admin/conifg.inc.php
Ah ok, I believe Auron, the resident Advanced Poll expert, has written an entire thread dedicated to showing you how to install th epoll.
What is "my Pool"?
Want to encrypt the email addresses in your guestbook likes this sites guestbook does?

Open templates/header.php

Before it put
Save and close the file.

Open templates/email.php
replace the entire contents with
Save and close the file.

Open templates/entry.php

replace it with:
Save and close the file.

Open lib/gb.class.php

Replace it with
Just after that you will see replace it with
Save and close the file and you're done.

needs to be after this </p> or possibly after the </div> that follows it.
place the table of links before the </div></td> rather than after it.
Or you could just use the Tab key to go through the links. The url of the link will be displayed in the status bar. Personally I use Firefox web browser by Mozilla which as "find as you type" so I just type in delete and it selects the first instance of delete in the page which is usually the delete link.
add align="center" to the table tag you are using in the footer. Also put the "powered by" stuff in a second row of the table.
looks right to me. Table is 800 pixels wide, left column is 100pixels wide and right column is 700 pixels. The only problem you have is that on 800x600 monitors the actual width of the browser window is only about 770pixels. You are best using relative sizes such as table 95% then set the left hand column as 100 pixels using width="100". The right hand column will adjust automatically.
The problem seems to me that you are using the guestbook in a CMS and the CMS is sending out information before it sends the guestbook so when they guestbook tries to write a cookie it fails because a cookie has to be sent before everything else.
Forum Index » Profile for Carbonize » Messages posted by Carbonize
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