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Messages posted by: Carbonize
Forum Index » Profile for Carbonize » Messages posted by Carbonize
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Trevor wrote: Any contribution, even if it's flawed, should be welcome.

Why do you think I leave JTD alone
#1 Open admin/config.inc.php and edit this line

#2 Requires phpMyAdmin or similar unless someone can be bothered making a script to let them change it.

#3 lang/english.php or whatever language you are using.

#4 You can't add them to the templates but you can to index.php etc.

#5 Open your lib/session.class.php and locateand replace it with

#6 My image verification or if it doesn't work edit the names of the inputs.

I need an aspirin.
You know my feelings on spam. And as FC pointed out there is already a fix available on the offical phpBB website. Also FC's "fix" would need constant updating as you find new bits to add. Look at http://www.rotorwashinternational.com/guestbook/index.php which is full of spammed entries and see how many of the spammed urls would get caught by a script using the list FC supplied.
Hmmmmmmmmm you have given me an idea though. I have a browser detection script thats only about 30 lines or so. I might look into putting it in the guestbook.
In that case no. The templates are loaded as a string so the only PHP that works in them are the variables.
What are you trying to use include for? I have used it in mine to integrate the guestbook into my site. I places the include codes at the start and end of both index.php and addentry.php.
The guestbook is easily customisable by editting the template files. Best bet is to copy the html from the guestbook and edit that, then apply the changes made to the relevant templates.
Open templates/form.php and look for Simply change the maxlength="30" to something like 60. I believe 60 is the size of the email space in the database.
Nothing simple as it would require the parsing of the user agent to see what browser they were using. You could change the image to a more generic one though.
Sounds like a length problem. I'll look into the files to get the exact things ot alter.
Spam is spam whether it is to advertise a site or try and spread a message. In this case you were trying to spread a message.
Yup you could do that if you have the time to spare.
You would have to change the username in the SQL table but the username is stored in plaintext and so is easy to alter.
This is not my site. I am just a user of the Advanced Guestbook who comes here to help people who are having problems with the script and to offer modifications to the Advanced guestbook script. My site is reached by clicking the the WWW button beneath my signature.
You are refering to my old, and now locked, forum. That is only there for archiving purposes and is soon to be deleted once I transfer the posts I want to keep.

ps. I'd love to know which member you are refering to as I cannot find a single member with a link to a site such as you describe let alone a member called nahuy194.
Forum Index » Profile for Carbonize » Messages posted by Carbonize
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