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Messages posted by: Carbonize
Forum Index » Profile for Carbonize » Messages posted by Carbonize
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Should be grateful it was only 48 hours. Googlebot used to spider my site about 30 times a day then suddenly it stopped. Three months went by without a single hit from googlebot except when I faked my useragent to check it wasn't blocked. I emailed Google and they said nothing was wrong and my site wasn't banned or anything. After four months google bot started to return in trickles and is now back up to about 30-40 visits a day.
You don't say what this is for. Anyway check that you have put the write information into the config file. Sometimes on virtual hosting you need to specify a full server path as the SQL server is not localhost.
Make a back up of your current database using phpMyAdmin or whatever your host provides. Download www.carbonize.co.uk/install.zip and extract it. Up load the guestbook 2.3.1 files to your site, overwriting 2.2. Upload my install.php file to the guestbook folder overwriting the existing one. run the file by going to it in a web browser. You will get some error messages that I am trying to track down but 2 people who have used it so far have said it worked.
If you have this problem or wish to upgrade from 2.2. to 2.3.1 please try www.carbonize.co.uk/install.php I think I managed to fix one persons problem with it.
You need to specify the base_url in admin/config.inc.php
Set the BASE_URL in admin/config.inc.php.
the file you want is in the lang directory. Probably english.php. This is where all the wording is stored and why AG is easily customisable to any language.
Ask your host for your SQL information. It is usually available from your Control panel.
Just to show how easy it is to customise the appearance of the Advanced Guestbook - http://www.carbonize.co.uk/Guestbook/
Hmm wonder if it's not a Yahoo problem. Check the headers to see what it says in them.
selective.txt is just a template.


Thats an example of what selective.txt should contain.
Any particular reason for the at the top?
Selective text is a template for how you want it to appear. Do not place it between php tags.

selective.txt would contain $comment[name] and $comment[comment] in it
where they should be displayed.
Did you follow the instructions exactly? And can you post me a link to the guestbook. Thank you.
Yes I'm trying to get hold of Freddy to see what thats all about.
Forum Index » Profile for Carbonize » Messages posted by Carbonize
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