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Messages posted by: Carbonize
Forum Index » Profile for Carbonize » Messages posted by Carbonize
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$GB_PG["base_url"] = "http://www.yoursite.com/guestbook";;

The double ; at the end. SHouldn't cause any errors though.
Glad it was fixed. I also noticed a double ; which I assume was also fixed.
$GB_DB["user"] = ""(hostprefix)_username";

You have 2 quotes at the start and this is causing an error.
Check the information you supplied in the config file is correct. If you are on a virtual host then you may need to use the complete url for your SQL server.
I worte a script for upgrading from 2.2 to 2.3.1. If you do a search you will fin dit and other advice on the subject.
Slow is right. Are there supposed to be side columns on te guestbook like there is on the rest of the site? I also notice you have the google adsense code twice but it only appears once. Actually you have the code at the bottom of every page and it doesn't appear.

The drop down menu gets filled by a loop which could cause a mild delay but shouldn't be to that extent. I noticed that your gallery is also slightly slow in loading.
The problem appears to be that you upgraded the files but didn't upgrade the SQL tables. If you do a search of this forum you will find more advice on this. Also banning IP's will not stop spammers. The best method is the image verification script which is available from www.carboniz.co.uk/verification.zip

I hope thats the right link anyway.
Could be the images are causing it to load slow. How many entries are you displaying per page? Can you please post a link so we can see for ourselves.
Just fix the links that are not working. I cannt be sure as to which files you need to edit as I am at work right now.
The quick fix is to hard code the correct links into the guestbook. The links are in the relevant template files.
I'm going to guess that you are using Advanced Guestbok 2.2 as this is the exploitable version. The password is stored in the SQL database and not one of the files. I will not post the exploit to login as admin on any copy of AG 2.2 but if you post a link or email me on webmaster@carbonize.co.uk we can get your guestbook sorted out. Updating to 2.3.1 is highly recommended.

You could just go into phpMyAdmin if you have it and rewrite the username and password entries with the default ones from the installation script to restore the default password and username.
Does it also strip the numbers from the emails as they appear in the guestbook?
Mike007 wrote:Hi,
I am including guestbook into the table on main page with link like that:
(all subsites on my WWW site are loading that way.)
,where gbook means a gbook.php file.
Inside gbook.php file there is a code to including main page of guestbook.


So generally problem is - how to include guestbook into a table..
Anyone can help me ?

Wow complicated. I just use a header and footer file on my site then use php include to add it to the start and end of every content page. For the guestbook I just put the includes at the start and the end of the index.php and addentry.php files.
edit templates/com.php.

make it

Ok I hassled Freddy and he threw together the following:
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