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Messages posted by: Anonymous
Forum Index » Profile for Anonymous » Messages posted by Anonymous
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hmmm i'm not sure. i think it was one of the 2.2 series. i had it since the 9. Juni 2002... i updated because the administration area didn't work anymore. looks like i had the same security problems like everyone else.

if it helps you to find out the reason. it is only loading slowly @ the index site. the navigation in the administration area (also easy admin) is loading fast like always.
I m using textfiles version. I mentioned it in my previous post
Anonymous wrote:Then I uploaded my templates to the same directory and named them index.php and addentry.php AND I called the original files where I wanted the GB to appear.

The path I used for my includes (my site uses alot of includes) was

Just wanted to clarify.....when calling the addentry2.php I used the following;

<?php include("addentry2.php"); ?>

The includes I was talking about above with the path were for my site template.

Hope I didn't confuse.
I just wanted to take a minute and thank all those that man this forum!! I'm totally winging my way through this and have spent hours reading all the fab tips and tricks here - making me look like a pro!

I just spent some time searching for a thread that I can't find now but wanted to share how I integrated the guestbook into a site. It was quick and easy and seems to work nicely. Someone else here recommended this but I can't find the thread to thank them.

In guestbook, I changed addentry.php and index.php to addentry2.php and index2.php.

Then I uploaded my templates to the same directory and named them index.php and addentry.php AND I called the original files where I wanted the GB to appear.

The path I used for my includes (my site uses alot of includes) was

I had to change all my on site links to the full path;
as nothing else seemed to work right.

I also changed some of the GB wording in lang/english.php
For example, the sentence, "sign the guestbook and you'll be returned...."

And the GUESTBOOK image I took out via the templates/body.php
file. I just removed the <img src="$GB_PG[base_url]/img/gbook.gif...etc>
Of course saving the file first in case of a problem.

If anything I'm doing is blatantly WRONG..please please shout out but so far everything is testing fine and working - though it's brand spanking new and no records in the GB yet.

I just figured I'd share what I did in case some helpless newbie like myself could use it.

Here's the site I did this on;
There is no question of users being taken back to main page , when poll is not going to result page at all.

when I click on vote, vote page just refreshes, don't show any result( this happen with php files ) or it says poll ID does not exist

How I installed script

I downloaded the poll...unziped it in my local directory, then copied all the contents of textfiles folder into a directory on my server call poll

before copy I edited confg.inc.php file, changing its first to lines to /poll and /poll/images

after uploading all textfiles folder contents to poll directory, I set premissions for the files and directories, as perscribed in readme file

Admin area of poll seems working fine. I can create new polls. I can also check poll stats from [i]poll list
. Every thing here work fine.

but problem persists. I even tried to vote on demo_5.shtml but it does not work either.

here are links to demo that I installed on my site with the script and php vote file. I did not make any changes in it.



Hope you will be able get a cleare picture now [/i]
Hi Auron

okey, now i've optimized and repaired all my tables, but it didn't help
I also saw a command which should Drop the table cache in phpMyAdmin ("Table Flush"). Unfortunately i dont have the rights on my DB to execute it - could this cache might be the problem?
If yes, I'd ask my hoster to give me access to that command. Any ideas if this helps?

-Greetz Lord eAgle-

Ich habe seit ca. 2 Wochen mein AGBOOK zum erstenmal geupdated. Einträge konnte ich behalten, smillies hab ich auch wieder zum laufen gebracht, bilder gehen nocht. NUR, das guestbook ist extrem langsam geworden. ich habe keine ahnung wieso? hatte irgend jemand ne ahnung ob es funktionen gibt, die die ladezeit des guestbooks speziell verlangsamen. könnte ich in meiner datenbank etwas optimieren?

oder ist die loadingzeit normal - schauts euch bitte mal an, http://www.monokellabs.ch/index2.php?section=guestbook

Danke für eure Hilfe!

ShortInfo 4 English Users:
Since i've updated my Advanced guestbook it is loading very slowly. Is there a function or something that can speed up my guestbook? Can i optimize anything in my MySQL database? any ideas, please help. Have a look @ the loading time >> http://www.monokellabs.ch/index2.php?section=guestbook

Thx 4 help!
I have installed advance poll on my site. but when I click on vote same (voting ) page reappears. it does not fetch any result neither enter vote to polldata.

Having visited other websites with advance poll, I noticed that auto generated form on my site vary a little from that of others.

other (working) forms have this line this way:

<form method=post action="poll.php(or whatsoever file name is)">

mine has only this:

<form method=post action=""> no file name

pray help me,

Dear Auron!
At first, many thanks for your toleration!
1. No. I find it! I changed font color $pollvars[result_text] by inserting to my php-file <STYLE type="text/css".....> Now it's OK!
2. I need that after voting the guest can to come back to first window of the poll (before voting). How make it?
webseo wrote:Hi all.
Just a quicky. I want to set up the comments option in advanced poll and when the popup loads Im now wondering were the email goes as no were in admin does it allow me to add the webmasters emaill addy.

Can someone tell me were to look. Im using the text file version.

I'm looking for the SAME thing!! Where do I put admin's mail so I can recieve comments?

So, what is the anwer, Steve? I haven't been able to find it.

Anonymous wrote:Dont worry, I just figured it our for myself.

You need to make sure you don't have any whitespace (spaces or blank lines) before this:

// Important! You have to include it before your html code
include_once "/home2/sf/public_html/poll/poll_cookie.php";

Anonymous wrote:
But I am getting this: Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/webseo/public_html/articles/index2.php:6) in /home/webseo/public_html/articles/poll/textfile/poll_cookie.php on line 21
At the top of each page... any ideas?

in what browser???

def not in firefox or ie
It works4me. Thank you!
What is the original username and password for the advanced guestbook?
I don't see it documented anywhere.

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