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Messages posted by: Anonymous
Forum Index » Profile for Anonymous » Messages posted by Anonymous
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Yes, i saw it ! But how include it in the DEMO 3 ?
hi Guys...

I may be stupid as i am new to php - used to be a c++ geek - but i need some help!

have done an install of advanced server - cool - but cant get the code to display the poll. The area that sticks is

   echo $php_poll->poll_process(1);

as the compiler appears to think that the code " -> " is and end to the "<?PHP" tag.

Can anyone show me the error of my foolish ways - please - its gotta be easy! i am ein dumbkopf!

I must CREATE this php file to include to the table of the page "map.htm" of my Website. Very good! But how TO CREATE?
Tell me please!
Many thanks!
The webmaster has already laid out the code for you in the left column. Visit the Demo2 page and scroll down to the bottom and in the left column you will see the poll comments code.
I have the advanced poll 2.02, and just had my website redesigned. I have the polls working fine, all thats ok, but I need to control the font inside the poll, and the results.

Where can I tell the poll what style to use for the font,?

Please Help;

How can get the font used in the poll to follow the style sheets? my whole page is is done with style sheets, and the poll is the only thing that does not, how can I control the font?

Is there a way I can have an advance poll on a page so that after a person votes, they can't see the results until I post them at a later time?

If that's not possible, can I at least get rid of the "view results" link underneath the poll so that they can't see the results before they vote?

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help.
Is it possible to make this poll system like a survey system?

The only thing what is needed is one button for voting all the questions/polls

It would be nice if you know an answer
Which file do I have to edit? When you generate the poll it only gives a little php snippet to put into the page to call the poll.
I have changed the danish text om the button using a word without the &oslash; character, and the button works perfectly
Thank you very much for your help.
I have the latest version of Advanced Poll installed. My page uses frames. Header which runs long the top, Tree which contains a menu on the left side, and Body which is where the links in Tree are displayed. These pages are contained within Index.html.

I tried putting the poll at the bottom of Tree. I assumed after voting it would reload Tree within the frame, but instead it reopened Tree as a stand alone page. Is there a way to set up the poll so that Tree is just reloaded?
Here is the link:

now we changed to 2.3.2 - same problem.

Carbonize wrote:ttiger does your host provide you with phpMyAdmin?

Apache Version 1.3.29
PHP Version 4.3.11
phpMyAdmin Version is 2.5.7

Thank you.
The preview option doesn't work. It worked fine the first time I used it. But when I push the preview button now it change back to the "write in the guestbook" and the message has disappeared.
Please help me. Thanks in advance

i have the same problem.

Carbonize wrote:Is this a new install? If so do you know what server you are running on? is it apache 2?

It´s a install with 2.3.1 over the old Version 2.3.0.

After the Admin Login i can see the site.
Every Link on Top goes to the Login Site again.

Forum Index » Profile for Anonymous » Messages posted by Anonymous
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