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Messages posted by: Anonymous
Forum Index » Profile for Anonymous » Messages posted by Anonymous
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Plese help me my friends,
i have this problem my guestbook,

Warning: mysql_connect(): Access denied for user: 'user@localhost.localdomain' (Using password: YES) in /home/aymet/domains/yourdomain.com/public_html/commentbook/lib/mysql.class.php on line 30
Connection Error

i don't this problem.
my mysql.class.php on line is,

$this->conn_id = mysql_connect($this->db['host'].":".$this->port,$this->db['user'],$this->db['pass']);

can you help me?
thank you
i know, but i was worried about the version not really the text showed, like i said i was worried because i read here that 2.02 can get hacked, but now that i know that is only an error on that line i dont care anymore

i downloaded it this afternoon, and i didnt know i had to change that line, i will now, tnx for you reply
i've just downloaded Advanced Poll "2.03" from the front page, i uploaded it, installed it and so far its working perfect... but it says its 2.02 version, im using the textfile poll, the readme.txt in that folder says its 2.03 so as the admin page, whats wrong? im worried because i read here that 2.02 can be hacked
Hi, i´ve tried to look for an answer for an hour. I couldn´t find finnish language in AGB 2.3.1, there are almost every other languages but not finnish.
I saw couple of guestbooks in finnish, so I know it is possible.

If someone could tell me where to get it and how to install it. Thanks!!

I have a problem with my guestbook, somebody put THE NEXT message in my guestbook version 2.3.1

HACKED BY DODO 885 blalblabla...

I don't know how can he put this messge there, but anyway

what is the best solution in this case?

Ich habe den Adavanced-Poll jetzt soweit nach meinen Bedürfnissen eingestellt und bin auch zufrieden, sagen wir fast...
Ich in durch die Seite http://www.thw-provinzial.de/thw/umfrage.htm auf den Advanced-Poll aufmerksam geworden, jetzt aber meine Frage:
Auf der ebengenannten Seite ist der Poll als Selectbar dargestellt. Wie kann ich das jetzt mit meiner Umfrage realisieren? Ich bekomme immer nur die "klassische" Darstellung wie beim Fragebogen...
Wäre für Lösungstipps dankbar! Gruß und schönes WE!
I have created a servey and when I clicked on help it tells me to copy the code below in a html page

// Important! You have to include it before your html code
include_once "/home/pasfins/public_html/pool/poll_cookie.php";

include_once "/home/pasfins/public_html/pool/booth.php";
echo $php_poll->poll_process(5);

Now when I do this here is what I have on the page
poll_process(5); ?>

Help please, how should I copy the code...

reffer to the above, i need your help to fix my guestbook at this url


it's better to let the patch at this forum
i probably have html enable

Bei mir ist auch alles umgestellt und ich kommen nicht mehr in den Admin bereich.... Advanced Guestbook 2.2-pl1

Kann uns jemand detailiert helfen?

Danke und gruss

my advanced guestbook 2.3.1 just got sql injection by Turkey Hacker!!!

this is most popular gb script out there. Well i might find unknown one cuz tired of spamming and hacking attempt.

good luck to all. thanks carnonized for all the mods.
I tried that and it didn't work as they both say:
How do I adjust the table_width to make both equal? I'm trying to fit them into a table on my links page at http://www.bottlecaplure.com/links.php
Try clicking on a choice then view the results and you'll see what I mean.
Any help would be appreciated.
Hello - I am trying to add Advanced Poll to my index page, which is already a .php file.
The problem I'm having is that all my .php files use TemplatePower - so the entire arrangement of index.php is determined by what is in index.tpl. The content of the page must be assigned as an output - for example:

$output = file_get_contents("links.html");

...which can than be placed anywhere on the page by putting {output} into the layout of index.tpl. There is no layout whatsoever in any of my php files - the content is laid out according to its assignment on the template page.

I have tried making the poll its own php page and inserting it as file_get_contents("poll.php"); but it still shows up with the same error it would have if it were an html page (poll_process(8); ?>). My question is this - is there another php command besides file_get_contents that will allow me to put the poll as the output?

I hope this makes sense. I know very little about php, so any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
any word on where to get 2.2? thanks!
Forum Index » Profile for Anonymous » Messages posted by Anonymous
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