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Messages posted by: Anonymous
Forum Index » Profile for Anonymous » Messages posted by Anonymous
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I downloaded the Poll successfully but then, there are so many files. What do I do with them? How do I manage the poll and put it on my site? Please help me out someone.
nicely customised.
The mod, please, and thank you.
You should probably forget Fantastico and download the script from this site - install it per the instructions in the readme file.
Here it is byt remember you sent me code to make spam private messages, book has not worked since, maybe I did something wrong..

$include_path = dirname(__FILE__);f
include_once $include_path."/admin/config.inc.php";
include_once $include_path."/lib/$DB_CLASS";
include_once $include_path."/lib/image.class.php";
include_once $include_path."/lib/template.class.php";

include_once $include_path."/lib/vars.class.php";
include_once $include_path."/lib/add.class.php";

$gb_post = new addentry($include_path);
I have'nt been getting any guests in my book and I checked today and after adding the code you sent me for private messaging now the book sign in has this error :

Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_INCLUDE_ONCE in /home/catfishh/public_html/guestbook/addentry.php on line 3
Check it out here
http://www.catfishheaven.net/guestbook/addentry.php Any ideas?
Hi there,

I have upgraded to v2.03 and (as suggested) I wrote a little backup script which has saved my bacon.

But once again, I've been done.

Essentially, what happens is that the data is removed from the file that contains the question and response numbers (I am using the text file based version).

So the poll ID still exists, but it has no data in it.

I have thoroughly checked the file & folder permissions - and one or two were set incorrectly. So this may explain it.

Anyway, once again just wondering if anyone else has experienced the "Case of the Vanishing Data"?

That is all
I have the same problem.
Do you have the solution ??
I have multiple polls on one page. Is it possible to view all the results on that page by clicking one link?

How do I set that in the template?
Advanced Guestbook

There's no way to get one of the side accept the login one
Thanks for your reply. If I looked at the FAQ's first for the guestbook, before I asked my question, I would have found it.
This is the function that i missed in the pollphp.
if the poll is closed and i would make a new poll, is it possible to see the history of polls?so the visitors can see how many there is voted in the last poll.

is it possible to make archives?(history polls)

(my english is nog very good..so i hope you'll understand.

i got the same problem did the reset didn't work

Ich habe ien Problem mit dem Admin-Bereich. Nach dem einloggen kommt das Admin-Panel, aber egal welchen Link, ich komme immer wieder auf die Login-Seite.

Weiss jemand Rat?
Besten Dank
Hallo zusammen.
Ich muss erstmal weit ausholen. Das Script hatte letztes Jahr mein Webdesigner eingebaut und dann gleich ne Umfrage erstellt die auch bis heute funktioniert.
Heute wollte ich eine neue erstellen. Habe das auch gemacht. Umfrage wurde im Admincenter erstellt. Unter Hilfe wird mir gesagt das die Umfrage Poll ID 2 hat.
Die 2 habe ich in meiner php Datei geändert. Vorher war die Umfrage ID 4.
Nur es passiert nix. Kommt auf der Homepage dann Fehlermeldung das Poll ID 2 nicht exisitert. Als Test habe ich mal in meine Datenbank geschaut und dort finde ich erstaunlicherweise meine neu erstellte Umfrage nicht. Weiß nicht ob dat so wichtig ist.
Nach dem erstelle nder neuen Umfrage habe ich vielleicht dummerweise die alte gelöscht,aber die taucht weiterhin auf.

Hat jemand ne Ahnung was dat sein kann ?
Forum Index » Profile for Anonymous » Messages posted by Anonymous
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