Help anyone?
I access the admin directory from my browser and a blank page is displayed... nothing else ... I am so stuck at the moment any help is very welcome!
did you upload all the files?
got the right directory?
did you upload the files in the right mode?
any errors appearing?
did you install it correctly?
which version are you using?
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12/08/2003 17:48:59
Yes I have uploaded everything to the right place, all files are in place.
It returns a blank page, not a 404 error.. I am running it on a Netware server with php4 and mysql installed.
It installed propperly, so I guess settings are correct. It is just that /admin/indexphp is returning a blank page instead of login interface for the administrator... I have no idea why
I can't think of anything apart from that have you uploaded all the admin templates all the files and folders in the same places as when you unzipped them?
Apart from that I have no idea.
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Adv. Poll Install Guide NOW BACK ONLINE! (And also rather out of date I would of thought)
13/08/2003 06:42:49
make sure polldir/admin/templates/admin_login.html has valid HTML code
13/08/2003 09:49:34
well i checked the index template and it seems fine to me...
it could be that this is uncompatible with php for netware i guess.
thanks to all for your help but i think there is no cure for this. I have reinstalled it 3 times and stil did not get any further.
Novell's version of PHP does not correctly handle the filesize function. Edit the class_template.php file in the include folder. Comment out the line in the set_templatefiles function that says: