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how to set cgi-bin/ to work???  XML
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i want to use top downloads & access stats,but my cgi-bin/ is not work..

when i access cgi-bin/ folder, 403 error is happened.

when i access to cgi-bin/*.pl file, 500 error is happened..


Joined: 21/02/2003 22:17:48
Messages: 179

I don't "work" here, but, did you chmod all the files and directorys that you put into your cgi-bin? They need to be chmod to 755 (drwxr-xr-x) & (-rwxr-xr-x).

Also, always make certain that you have not uploaded the files as binary. They must be uploaded as ASCII so that they don't "fall apart" in the transfer. If you can't remember whether you have uploaded them as ASCII, you should delete them from the server and reinstall them as ASCII then chmod them to 755 again.

If that's not the problem, then you may need more help than I can give at the moment.

thank you.

now i found that cgi-bin/ folder can ran a *.cgi script, but can't run a *.pl script(500 error).what's wrong??

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