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Messages posted by: Anonymous
Forum Index » Profile for Anonymous » Messages posted by Anonymous
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So taking this line away you won't be redirected to the results?
well I think the options are generated on the fly by using $poll_options however I dont know exactly where these are generated...any idea which file to edit..
sorry may be I wasnt clear..

when you create a new Poll you need to put a Question right. This window is just one line I want to make it larger multi-line like the window Im using right now to type this msg. See if you have a single line question is fine, however if you want to describe something and ask the question that you need more space..
sorry did not get that one...were should I put the tag..
Excellent, thank you that was verry good.

Just for information:

in the Question window you can paste:

<INPUT type="button" value="Image" onClick="window.open('http://www.yourdomain.com/img.jpg','mywindow','width=600,height=500')">

and it works just fine

One more quetion : Is there an option to make the Question window multi- line rather than a single line ? thnx
Hi all,
I have a simple request. I would like to have a button next to the vote button which when cliked will pop a window with an image in it. I would love to have an option right between the Question option and OPtion 1 window which says like:

Image: and then you have to fill up the link, and the size of the window.

so just tryed to put:

<input type="button" onClick="window.open( "http://www.google.com/" )" value="Image"> in the template script and works however I would like to it be poll specific diferent polls different images you know.

Let say the Image option is left blank for the link..this would mean that there will be no image so dont display the image button.



PS I hope that makes sense..
Hi! Ich habe zwei Probleme:
a) Bei send comments kommt meine eigene Fehlerseite im sich öffnenden Popup-Fenster. Muss da noch ein CHMOd vergeben werden?
b) Ich habe den Poll auf meiner Startseite integriert und habe dort auch einen Newsanzeiger includet. Wenn ich beim Poll jetzt die Ergebnisse anzeigen lasse, erscheint dort nicht mit die News-Anzeige. Wieso das?

Danke und Gruß, Sasch
I'm curious if you found the solution or if someone else knows the solution for being able to (test) vote multiple times. I'm in the same boat.
sorry, I don't fully understand how this works. does this word need to be a keyword found in common spam attempts or is it just a random word for the hell of it?
:o Very glad to be able to help! I hope this would settle the problem and confusion and saves a lot of ppl from lost traffics.

Good luck everybody!
I have download the file because I need to count the downloads from my website but I do not know what to do next. I can see that it is a zip file, so I unzipped it by taking .php words out but I still do not know what to do next.
Please help.
Thank you.
I have been reading this forum for a few hours and there are ideas scattered evrywhere. I have been searching this forum for a way to make it work in *.htm/html files instead of *.php. Why?

Because if you have a nice page that ranks highly in a search engine with an html or htm extension, and suddenly change it to *.php. The engine won't be able to find the page. It will think that the page won't exist anymore!

That is a very easy way to lose traffic!

So... How do you add it in normal html pages?

1) Add this to your .htaccess file

AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .html
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .htm
(if you use htm extension)

2)Add this code as in the documentation

// Important! You have to include it before your html code
include_once "poll/poll_cookie.php";

3)In the place where you want it to appear (in the body of course) put this code

include_once "poll/booth.php";
echo $php_poll->poll_process(1);

4) Of course the poll process number should be the poll number. That's just an example. I dunno if it will take a lot of bandwith or if it works for you. It works for me on my test pages. I am still looking if there's error because of it.

I just want to help people who have been wandering here for so long looking for this info.

If it helps, good. If not, I apologise

= edit ===
I have checked and it appears to be good.

You can an example of how i integrate the polls at http://oohoi.com/natural%20remedy/everyday_food/apple.htm

Oh! By the way. Make sure your path is correct okay?

I have been searching this forum for a way to make it work in html files instead of php. Why ?

Because if you have a nice page that ranks highly in a search engine with an html or htm extension, and suddenly change it to php .. the engine won't be able to find the page. It will think that the page won't exist anymore!

That is a very easy way to lose traffic!

So, I can only use php extension for new pages or pages that does not rank well . I believe there;s a way to make it work in html docs...still looking for it in this forum

Sad that a nice software ended up having super-poor documentation
That worked! But now, on the next page I get the errors below:

What should I substitute there?

Warning: fclose() has been disabled for security reasons in /home/obsessed/public_html/poll/include/class_session.php on line 52

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/obsessed/public_html/poll/include/class_session.php:52) in /home/obsessed/public_html/poll/admin/common.inc.php on line 15

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/obsessed/public_html/poll/include/class_session.php:52) in /home/obsessed/public_html/poll/admin/common.inc.php on line 16

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/obsessed/public_html/poll/include/class_session.php:52) in /home/obsessed/public_html/poll/admin/common.inc.php on line 17

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/obsessed/public_html/poll/include/class_session.php:52) in /home/obsessed/public_html/poll/admin/common.inc.php on line 18

Thank you!!!
After voting, the following error comes up. What do I do?

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/divemlo/public_html/index.php:17) in /home/divemlo/public_html/AdvPoll/poll_cookie.php on line 21[/b]
Forum Index » Profile for Anonymous » Messages posted by Anonymous
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