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Messages posted by: Anonymous
Forum Index » Profile for Anonymous » Messages posted by Anonymous
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sigh, deleted the whole database, recreated one, reinstalled 2.3.2. checked the book_auth field, set permission for public and tmp to 777. still no go. wasn't i supposed to do something to .htaccess? i remember having to mess with that before... maybe it was for something else. any other ideas?
when you say delete all the "book_tables" you mean the database i made right? just checking cuz i couldn't find a book_table. and also what's lazarus? i'm inerested... nm i'll go and take a look for myself. i'll post again if a problem arises. thax so much!
i couldn't access my old host anymore, which is why i switched. so i had to creat a new db and everything
no i still had the original installation zip file. i unzipped and uploaded and installed
yeah, i recently changed host and decided to reinstall the guestbook. so this happened. i also deleted it and reinstalled 2.3.1 (which is the one i was using and it had no problems) and it did the same thing. weird...
simply goto the table called book_auth and edit the part called last_visit. It needs changing from type timestamp to type int.

mine was already type int, so what other fixes might there be? and i wasn't upgrading, just installing for the first time. thanx!
Ok now it works!!!
it gives me a window error... how could i do?
Thanks again. I was accidently cut off from finishing my first post! Okay, please don't laugh if my questions seem stupid. I'm determined to get this working as you have.

You mention cpanel. What is that? I've done as you said to the .htaccess file however, once I add that line and upload to my server, I don't see it in the folder on the server. That is normal?

I've tried many variations based on your steps, and still I'm getting no poll. Hmm. So just to recap this for rookies like me....

1. Just add this text below what is already in the .htaccess file, not the same line. Perhaps opening this file and editing in Notepad is causing problems?

2. Adding that code, must this be at the very start of my page at the very top? Or simply needs to be pasted before part 3.

3. This is obviously a lot less information that what I take from the admin panel for pasting the poll. So, I use exactly what you have here with just changing the process poll number?

Basically, use exactly what you have here and forget about the code that is from the admin panel for my poll?

Again, please don't flame me. Honestly my launch of my website is dependent on having this work. Your instructions are great, but I'm a Dreamweaver guy, so I"m used to the software doing this stuff!

Gerne würde Advanced Guestbook 2.3.1 in einem iframe von einer maximalen Breite von 500Pixeln einfügen. (Sorry, aber ich hab nicht mehr Platz übrig für den content und die Seitenstruktur sollte gleich bleiben)

Nun zeigt sich das Problem, dass es mir die Seite nach rechts um ca 80 Pixel auseinanderdrückt, was sich nicht wirklich optimal auf das gesamte Layout auswirkt.

Weiss jemand, was ich in welchem Template ändern muss um dieses Problem zu beheben oder ist 500Pixel (mit scrollbalken inklusive) allgemein zu wenig Raum, um das Forum so zu integrieren.

Besten Dank für jede Hilfe

Add that line, you don't have to delete anything in your .htaccess file. Look at the name, there's a dot before htaccess, so the right name is .htaccess.

Use whatever editor you want. I think notepad is decent enough (editing on cpanel is easier). If you use notepad, save the filename as .htaccess (see the dot?) and save as All Files (not text)

Okay? Take care & good luck!
Thanks a lot for all, this evening I'll try and I'll tell you ;D
Firstly, thanks. The .php exten

Secondly, I am still confused...

Step 1, add this to the .htaaccess file. Do that in Notepad? Remove the one line that is in that file, paste what you've said? I find 2 of these htaaccess files, change both?
sshhh, 20 days spamfree now!!!
taking it away what will happen?
Forum Index » Profile for Anonymous » Messages posted by Anonymous
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