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Messages posted by: Carbonize
Forum Index » Profile for Carbonize » Messages posted by Carbonize
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I'm wondering if the name is not being sent for some reason. Have you edited any of the files?
I could do it in PHP but I don't know Perl I'm afraid.
I tried to have alook but your entire site was down.
Anonymous wrote:Maybe the solution is to just not answer these posts - and see how long they stay "chilled out" before they decide to do a search.

They then tend to start posting things like
So nobody can help me?
You remember to put the javascript in the head section as mentioned in the very first post of this thread?
Edit the config.inc.php file found in the admin folder. You need to fill out the details of your MySQL server. Then simply upload the entire guestbook folder and run the install script by visiting it in your browser. Once installed delete the install.php file.
Can you post a link to your guestbook for us to see for ourselves.
Email me or message me.
Same file look for $BASE_URL =
In guestbook directory. admin/config.inc.php.
Prüfen Sie Ihre config Akte. Es soll sagen
I'm assuming you are using Advanced Guestbook 2.2. A search of these forums using the search feature would provide you with multiple threads on the matter of this guestbooks vulnerability and the fix for it.
Hmmm the method of uploading may be causing the problem. I remember back when I was playing with Invisions file manager I made some files using it but could not edit, nor delete, these files via my FTP client. So you could be right about access rights being the problem.
Does the schools server run on windows and your hosts server run on nix? There are major differences between the way windows handles somethings and the way nix does.
There must be nothing at all before the cookie include code, not even a space.
Forum Index » Profile for Carbonize » Messages posted by Carbonize
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