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Messages posted by: Carbonize
Forum Index » Profile for Carbonize » Messages posted by Carbonize
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I am assuming that you are refering to the guestbook script. You need to set the BASE_URL in the config.inc.php file.
Hate to be blunt but your visitors are obviously not concerned about being caught by a spam bot otherwise they would simply just not put the email address in. I suggest you still leave the option in but put a warning beneath the email field.
Bedtime for me. Will look into it to morrow if I get chance.
Did you upload everything from the mod and make all the required changes?
The templates are in plain html and not php. The only bit of php in them are the variables and they all start with a $ such as $LANG[FormSelect]. I admit I got the file wrong as it's in body.php and not header.php but the code you need to edit is
As you can see it is just plain HTML with a single variable in it $GB_PG[base_url]. The Guestbook was written in such a way as to make it easy for users to customise by keeping the templates as plain HTML.
Look in templates/header.php.
Prüfen Sie die Erlaubnis auf tmp und public Verzeichnisse (Ordner). Sie sollten an 777 gesetzt werden.
Whoops meant www.carbonize.co.uk/install.zip

BTW to all those that have replaced the 2.3.1 session.class.php with the 2.2 version your guestbook is now susceptible to the login exploit.
Given that BB2 is a Forum script and will have several people writing it while AG is a guestbook script written by one person I should say no.
You need to put this in using phpMySQL or your control panel. I'll think about making a script to do it otherwise. Not exactly hard to make.
Remove the option to do them. I would post the exact code to remove here but I removed it from my guestbook back when I installed it.
Why use an external program to remember your passwords when your web browser will do it for you?
I know he wasn't talking about the jump menu but the jump menu is the only bit of code that does a loop to populate a list according to how many pages the guestbook will fill.
Did you add the SQL fields that coem with the mod ?
Forum Index » Profile for Carbonize » Messages posted by Carbonize
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