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Messages posted by: Carbonize
Forum Index » Profile for Carbonize » Messages posted by Carbonize
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Change the permssions on img, tmp and public to 777 and see if that fixes it.
The only way you could have people edit their own entries on the guestbook would be by comparing the IP but as a lot of people have dynamic IP's it's only feasible as a short term thing.
OK not the original mod but something I just threw together. Due to the way webbrowsers work I have had to put in &| to stop it rendering the code wrong. Please replace all instances of &| with just & in the following codes.

Open up templates/email.php and replace the mailto: with
so you end up with Save this.

Then open up lib/add.class.php and find

and replace it with
Save this file.

This is a basic encryption method but seems to work.
The error message you posted is saying that the info you supplied about your MySQL server is wrong. Check you have the right server, username and password in the config file.
If I get chance I'll see what needs to be done but I'm busy writing my own guestbook script at present.
If you had actually bothered to do a search of this forum you would of found this question asked, and answered, several times.

would mainly just require addiing the variable used to specify who's guestbook it is to the SQL tables called. Thats the easier part though.
hmm maybe I should get someone to rewrite the instructions in French and german.
I thought my instructions were simple enough

As to the alert window it's not possible. It would require some complex javascript and would have to put the code in the actual add entry page. The spamers would eventually figure this out and just get the code from the javascript.
Why not use a blog script for the news?
Anonymous wrote:ok, I did manage to solve some of my questions. but still i have no cleu why the images are not displaying in the guestbook. the url to the image is correct (htpp://www.arubasource.com/modules/Guestbook/img/signing.gif) but it still does not show. Help please?

You have answered your own question

it should be http://
oh well i'll have to test it myself someday.
Works fine except it is showing 7 characters and not 8. Weird and I'll have to look into that but it works fine. You will need to change the error mesage when they get the characters wrong as it says enter the 8 characters.
www.carbonize.co.uk/verification.zip is the official download for the image verification mod.

As for changing the look of comments you need to edit templates/com.php if memory serves me well.
Did you do a backup of your SQL database and transfer it to the new server?

As to your error you need to change the information in admin/config.inc.php to reflect the MySQL server information on your new server.
Forum Index » Profile for Carbonize » Messages posted by Carbonize
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