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Messages posted by: Carbonize
Forum Index » Profile for Carbonize » Messages posted by Carbonize
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Anonymous wrote:hmmm... well im using notepad and have it se ascii

Yes notepad saves it as an ascii file but is your FTP program saving it to the server as an ascii file or converting it to a binary file?
Wel here is the file I have for the MSN/Yahoo mod. According to the instructions you just overwrite your guestbook with this one but keep your config.inc.php file.


Chaning the look of your guestbook is just a case of editting the templates as both Lloyd and I have done.
Which particular mods are you looking for?
This is one you will have to speak to your hosts about as it's not a problem with the script.
Are you sure you have the full path right? One way to get the full path is to use an include to a none existant file such as <?php include('fake.txt'); ?>. Put that in a html file and give it a .php extension. Call the file from your host and php wil give you the full path to the file that called the fake file.
Check the persmissions on the folder hom/twistedretrospectproductions/links. Off the top of my head I would say they need to be 766 but that may be wrong.
sadiki as Mark has aalready said the problem is you have the server name wrong. CHeck you haven't spelt it wrong or if you need to specify the exact server location.
The description is used as the alt text for the image. So is it working now?
Try reuploading all the files except the admin/config.inc.php. Also remember to check you have your permissions set up correctly.

1 - Did you edit any files other than config.inc.php?
2 - Do you get any error messages?
(But if you have a host like mine they may have turned off all PHP error reporting and not bothered to tell you :evil

If this doesn't work I will have to go through the files and try to locate where the problem could be. I don't suppose you could take a screen shot of the page could you?
Only page I saw problems with the links on was the admin enter and you can hard code them in by editting the templates/admin_enter.php.
As I said that would require some PHP. Are the Guestbooks going to be instaled in different directories?
Go through your config.inc.php line by line and check your entries. It is trying to goto guestbook/guestbook/index.php
lol the image verifcation script was made for me possibly about a year or so ago but I'm sure the only person I gave it to was jared. Anyway you can safely delete verification.zip as I rewrote both the instructions and some of mior bits of code. I do find the idea of the ICQ web aware mod funny as when alls said and don'e it's just a case of changing the image called by templates/icq.php but then I suppose not everyone would know that.

I'm still toying with the idea of compiling a new version of AG 2.3.1 that includes all the mods on your site built in and has the option to enable/disable image verification in the admin. May also add Lloyds idea of a country selector to it.
Funny, I only remember releasing the image verification mod a month or two ago.

You will also note that your two verification mods are actually the same mod but what you call verification2.zip is the latest release with bug fixes and better instructions.
verification.zip, that sounds familiar.
Forum Index » Profile for Carbonize » Messages posted by Carbonize
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