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Messages posted by: Carbonize
Forum Index » Profile for Carbonize » Messages posted by Carbonize
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OK so you are saying that the smiley codes are not being replaced by the appropriate smiley in the guestbook? If so have a look in the smiley section of the admin and make sure the code is still assigned to the smiley.
I only have the mods as part of a complete 2.3.1 fileset. I will try and go through them so I can make it into a mod for people to add.
Ok what form are these extra inputs going to take and how will they appear in the guestbook? The appearance is hard coded into a file which is why allowing users to add their own fields is tricky. The Yahoo and MSN mod outputs an image as a link.
well unless yo uknow PHP the easiest way is to place each guestbook into it's own directory and then edit the SQL entry names of each guestbook.
Log in as admin and go to Easy Admin. The ip will be at the top of their entry.
ok to fix the links open up the config.inc.php file and look for

Now replace it with
If you're going to put your guestbook within another page you are best of deleting the contents of the templates/header.php and templates/footer.php files. Back them up first and then replace the contents in both with a space or  .

In your example though I see the header and footer I see no content.
as it says it is admin / config.inc.php meaning it is the file called config.inc.php in the directory called admin.
You are using version 2.2 of the guestbook so I don't need a password to login as it has a nice exploit that lets me login.

Anyway back to the problem. You must of editted a file somewhere. Something in the admin/config.inc.php I am guessing. Looking at the code it's just empty space or possibly soe new lines but no text.
No worries. Atleast I got off my arse and uploaded the thing for people to try. lol

is one of the most common errors in PHP. It happens when the script goes to send the header to set the cookie but some information has already been sent to the browser. I would need to see the page to be more accurate but it could be anything, even just a space.
It would require some serious recoding to allow you to add fields via the admin. I was just thinking of using the Yahoo/MSN mods by Jared as it would only require editting the text fields and then you could switch it on and off via the admin.

To be honest I am looking at putting together a version of AG 2.3.1 which would include the Yahoo/MSN, Image verification and Lloyds country selector as standard with the option to turn them on and off via the admin section. Don't hold your breathe though as I work 12 hour shifts and this will involve a bit of time. That and it's subjective to what Chi Kien Uong says about my releasing it.
Hmmm shouldn't be to hard. Just a case of editting the Yahoo/msn mod that I have from Jared I guess.
On an off topic note 800x600 is still the most common screen size and I hate sites that go off the side of the screen.
OK the problem is that you have used an include call to place the guestbook outside of it's own directory and the image paths are coded to be correct when the page that is calling them is in the guestbook directory. Baiscally you have 2 choices.

1 - Do as I do and leave the guestbook in it's own directory and call a header and footer file from the guestbooks index.php.

2 - Open admin/config.inc.php and look for
Change this to
and if that doesn't work it's going to be a case of going through all the files and hardcoding in the correct image paths.
Forum Index » Profile for Carbonize » Messages posted by Carbonize
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